
Welcome to Workday Baltimore for Employees!

As a City employee, you can view your own information in Workday and perform many self-service tasks. Using Workday, you will enter your time worked, request leave, and update personal information. You will also use Workday to review your compensation, benefits, and more!

Employee Applications in Workday

When logging into Workday, all employees will arrive at the Workday landing page. Along with the Inbox and Notifications, you will have access to several icons called "applications." Each application gives you easy access to tasks and information you will use regularly.

Need assistance with using and navigating the Workday applications? We created Employee Self-Service Job Aids. Job Aids are short, informational documents that provide step-by-step directions on accomplishing specific tasks in Workday. Each job aid includes visual references (screenshots) along with clear direction. See the list of available job aids below: 

Employee Self-Service Job Aids